Need a Business Loan? Get Expert Tips from a Business Banker. This free event by SCORE will include an SBA Lending Manager with Gesa Credit Union showing you tips from an SBA Lender on how to get through the SBA loan process and what banks and credit unions look for to approve you.
Paul Long is Head of SBA Lending with Gesa Credit Union. Paul is known in the industry as open, approachable, transparent, and credible, with over 25 years in the industry,
From started as a Teller at the age of 16, Paul was promoted to a branch manager at the age of 18, managed a cluster of bank branches at the age of 21 and found his passion working with business owners at the age of 25. Since working in business banking, Paul finds himself enjoying the educational part of helping business owners understand how banks work, strategies to grow a business successfully, and how to market your business.
Over Paul's career he has built multiple banks small business banking divisions including SBA lending, written countless published articles about small business banking and lending, and has funded over 3500 business loans over his career.
Paul is married to his love Stephanie and has two sons Parker and Paxton.