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Sustainability, Business and Entrepreneurship Series: Becoming a Changemaker - The Key to Successful Community Development

February 28, 2025


1:00 - 2:00 pm


No Fee

Together we'll explore becoming a changemaker and how doing so leads to communities that better serve their residents. We'll consider the steps others have followed to become effective changemakers. We'll also discuss how they used the understanding and awareness of themselves and their communities to accomplish their goals.

Speaker: Don Chalmers

For 40 years Don Chalmers has committed himself and his work to sustainable, culturally appropriate community development through both capital projects and program development. As a consultant, his clients have included tribal and other governments, non-profits including social enterprises, for-profits, and associations. His employment includes health care administration, higher education administration and teaching, and student advocacy. As a college teacher at several institutions in Oregon, Washington, and South Dakota, Don focused on highly interactive and collaborative learning in topics as diverse as grant writing, social enterprises, law, civil rights, and integrated systems.


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Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Transformational Change (CELTC)